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6 Life Lessons People Need To Learn That Cats Have (Obviously) Already Mastered

Meow! It’s Charlie. Today I’m going to be talking about some things that people need to learn that cats, of course, have already mastered.

1. Self care

Some humans are too wrapped up in what other people think that they forget to take care of themselves and do what they want to do! Cats always think about themselves first. Love yourself!

2. Say no

This goes along with the first one. Some humans say yes to everything, even if they don’t want to do it. Cats are experts are saying no and getting what they want. Take notes!

3. Be curious

Cats are fueled by curiosity (and naps). If you only learn one thing new every day, by the end of a year you’ll have learned 365 new things! Always be curious and always take time to learn/explore something new.

4. Have an imagination

Cats don’t care about how much money they have, or what size their house is. We don’t care where the furniture came from (as long as it doesn’t smell like dogs). Cats see the world around them however they want it to be.

5. Anything can be fun

This step requires number four, to have an imagination. To have fun, many humans “have” to have the latest technology, or the most expensive toy. Cats play with everything from toilet paper to lasers! Everything can be fun, you only have to use your imagination.

6. Relax

Take a “you” day! Often times humans are so wrapped up in their own little worlds of work and/or school, that they forget to take time to just relax. Take a nap! Or three!

Thanks for reading! Which one of these things have you mastered? Leave a comment down below! Ciao!

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