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Weird Things Dogs Do

Meow! It's Charlie. Today I'm going to be listing just a few weird things that dogs do.

1. Drool

Disgusting pools of thick liquid come out of some kinds of dogs’ mouths. That’s repulsive.

2. Swim

Many dogs even enjoy swimming. I do not like water. It makes my floof unnaturally heavy.

3. Wag Their Tail

Tail wagging means you’re about to pounce! Not that you’re happy or excited! Jett wags her tail so hard it often makes loud thumping noises against the wall or cabinets.

4. Chase Cats

As I’m sure you know by now, cats are wonderful and perfect beings that can do no wrong. So why do dogs want to chase us? If anything, we should be chasing you foul creatures.

5. Chase Frisbees (nothing like me and my string)

Why do dogs feel the need to chase anything that’s moving? That could be a frisbee, a small animal, or even a stick. When dogs chase sticks they are literally running after a piece of a tree. Trees are for climbing, not chasing.

Thanks for reading! What are some weird things your dog or dogs around you do? Leave a comment below! Chow!

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