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Famous Cat/Food Quotes to Motivate You

Today I'll be posting some famous quotes about cats and food, along with their meaning!

“To eat or not to eat - that is never a question.”

Meaning: Extra food is better than no food!

“Never send a dog to do a cat’s job!”

Meaning: Cats rule, dogs drool.

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because you ate a lot!”

Meaning: Eating is happiness.

“Eat like nobody’s watching.”

Meaning: Eating is happiness.

“You only live nine times, but if you do it right, nine times is enough.”

Meaning: Get your lives together.

“Eat the food that you don’t wish to see in the world”

Meaning: If you don’t want to see something, eat it!

“Without cats, life would be a mistake!”

Meaning: Cats make the world go round.

“Insanity is eating the same thing over and over again, but expecting different flavors!”

Meaning: Don’t just settle for kibble!

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