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Shipping Our Siblings Off To The Circus

Meow! It’s Charlie. My best furriend Samuel and I have been complaining about our siblings again!

Samuel: I know my sister has been driving me insane lately. She’s got a severe case of the grumpies! Every time I walk past her she growls at me. Now I’ll admit, I have pounced on her a couple of times so she might be on the defensive side, but I don’t pounce on her EVERY time I walk past her! In fact, a lot of the times, I kiss her! But does she see the difference? Noooo! It’s like living with a troll! And let me tell you what, if I happen to get to humom’s lap first, you’d think that the world was ending!! She’s a major drama queen. I don’t know how humom puts up with her antics. I mean, I love her of course but she’s a handful!

Charlie: Haha! Aren’t they all just a handful of trolls? The other day I sitting on the spare desk minding my own business, when Onyx. Then all of a sudden he bit me in the neck! What a jerk! Of course right then Mom had her camera and captured my derp of a reaction!

Onyx Before Bite

Charlie Derp

Samuel: No way!! What a jerk!! What are we going to do with these siblings? We can’t ship them off to the circus. Or can we????

Charlie: We could tell them they are going to Africa! Like Madagascar the Movie BACKWARDS! But what would we tell Mom…

Samuel: Hmm… I guess we could tell our mom that they had won a sweepstakes! And that they got an all expense paid trip! Of course she wouldn’t know it was ONE WAY!!!

Sweepstake Flyer to Circus

Charlie: That would be purrfect! No more sharing cuddles, toys, treats, no midnight fights- who will I fight with if Onyx is gone? Oh right. I still have two other dreadfully annoying siblings.

Samuel: Haha! I don’t have any other siblings. But I think I would enjoy having humom all to myself. Tigerlily steals her way too much!!

Charlie: I’ll tell Onyx that when I saw that he won I told you, but Tigerlily just happened to see the message and she as always wanted to go to a circus!

Thanks for reading! Should we go through with shipping our siblings off? I say yes! Leave a comment down below! Chow!

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