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What Makes Me Furrious - Tail Addition

Meow! It's Charlie. You know what makes me furrious? Tails. Don't get me wrong, sometimes tails are good. They help me balance and it feels nice when Mom strokes it. Sometimes I wrap my tail around my body to keep warm. There are a lot of bad things about tails as well.

My tail is very fluffy, which means dirt and leaves can get stuck in it. I can't play it off cool either, because my tail is light colored. Which means anything other than hair is easily noticed. I don't want to be "that cat" that is always dirty. That's gross! Besides, if I were dirty I wouldn't be allowed on the bed! Where would I nap?

Tail stays clean if I want to come on the bed!

Another thing about tails is that they are long. This means it trails on the ground behind me, collecting dirt. If that weren't bad enough, tails are an easy target for feet. No one wants their tail to be stepped on, so watch where you're going! Me-OW!

Long tails are bad for another reason: they are attached to us. This means that if you grab our tail we won't be able to escape. PLEASE don't do this, as it hurts us very much. It also scares a lot of cats because then they will be trapped.

Thanks for reading! What makes you furrious? Chow!

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