10 Random Facts About ME
Meow! It's Charlie. I decided that today you are going to learn a little bit more about me.
1. I am fluent in English, Cat, Dog, Goat, and Squirrel.
2. I know a small amount of Spanish, and Horse.
3. According to my human I have a unique smell (yeah my human is a weirdo!).
4. I absolutely hate new people and the noise they bring with them. If I am outside when they arrive I will hide under the house until they leave.
5. Regardless of my seemingly never-ending amount of hair (and the amount I groom it), I never have hairballs. Meowmy occasionally gives me hairball medicine but before that I had only had one or two.
6. The shower is one of my favorite places to explore!
7: I absolutely HATE being dressed up. I will shake and turn and paw until I get whatever pink demon Mom put on me off. But I love to sit and watch Onyx get dressed up (from the safety of the other side of the room of course).
8. Mama calls Onyx and I Ying and Yang because even though I'm white, I am not very friendly and am very skittish. Onyx, the black cat, on the other hand is super friendly.
9. When Mom carries me I will either jump down and walk myself (I'm a big boy, I can do it Mom) or I'll insist on being carried like a king.
10. My human is so incompetent that she can't even figure out what breed I am! I am big and fluffy (....not fat.... that's um.. fluff... yeah that's just fluff) and I am super soft. I don't need to be brushed but Mom does it anyways. I groom myself a lot (but a healthy amount) and pick fights with my younger brother Onyx. I shed a lot (especially when I get into fights) and love to be outside.
So there you go! 5 random facts about me! If you liked this, please leave a comment below. Thanks for reading! Chow!