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Onyx and I

Meow! It's Charlie. I've realized recently that Onyx and I are exact opposites. In every situation. We're like the Ying and Yang of cats!

For example, he's black and I'm white. He loves dogs and will run to them, and I hate dogs and will run away. When someone pets Onyx he will lick them. It is extremely rare that I ever give kisses, and it is only to Meowmy. Onyx's purr is very loud for a cat (like I think he was born with a mega speaker in his purr-er). My purr is very soft and quiet. Onyx purrs whenever he see's a person or a dog, and I only purr when I'm alone with Meowmy. Onyx has short fur and I have long fur that sheds everywhere. He looks like a panther, and I look like an elegant lion.

I supposed we have a few similarities too. We both love Meowmy and get our hair all over her and her clothes. Neither of us need brushing, although Meowmy does it anyways because it makes us softer. We also both love to roll around in the dirt and then bring all the dirt and bugs inside. Meowmy loves when we do that. She starts making loud human noises and sends us back outside so she can have the dirt all to herself.

You may think that we are like Ying and Yang, opposite but able to balance. You are wrong. We are nothing like Ying and Yang. First of all because the black cat in this scenario is the nicer one, but also because we have no idea how to balance ourselves out to become friends. Also, I think Ying and Yang were male and female and were married... EW.

Ok maybe we are a little bit like Ying and Yang.

Thanks for reading! Chow!

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