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Interviewing Samuel J. Bonkers

Meow! It's Charlie. Today I'm going to be interviewing my best friend, Samuel!

Charlie: Meow! Today I’m here with my best furriend Samuel J Bonkers!

Samuel: Charlie!! So pawsome to see you!!

Charlie: Can you tell us the story behind your name?

Samuel: Well, humom doesn’t like to give kitties cutesy names like “Fluffy”. She likes real names. So she started with the name Sammy. But as I got older (and bigger) I was obviously a Samuel. The “Bonkers” came from my goofy personality and the “J” was just to add a little spice. It doesn’t actually stand for anything.

Charlie: Haha, I like that! I don’t think I have a middle name. So how do you like being a cat?

Samuel: Oh I love being a cat!! I think it’s the best job in the whole world! You get to eat and sleep and play all day while someone cuddles and strokes you! What could be better than that?

Charlie: That’s true. I love being a cat too. If you could be any animal in the world, which animal would you want to be?

Samuel: I think tigers and lions are pretty cool. When I play on the rocks by the pool I like to pretend to be one of those big kitties out on the Serengeti Plain!

Charlie: Haha! I think I’d like to be a cat still. I like being cared for. Although if that wasn’t an option, I would want to be a lion like my cousin Jeffery! Do you live with other pets?

Samuel: Yes! I live with my sister Tigerlily. She’s five years older than me and kind of grumpy, but she’s allowed to be because she had a hard kittenhood, unlike me. So I give her some space when she needs it.

Charlie: You sound like a great little brother! Who are your favorite cat celebrities? My favorites are probably Grumpy Cat and Hamilton the Hipster Cat.

Samuel: I don’t know Hamilton. I’ll have to check him out! I really like Grumpy Cat too and I like Smoothie Cat and Lil Bub a lot.

Charlie: I haven’t heard of Smoothie Cat. Hamilton looks a bit like you, except he has a mustache. I used to like Lil Bub, but his owner was rude to me - that’s a story for another time though. With a grumpy sister, I bet you have a lot of funny stories!

Samuel: Oh you have NO idea!! Haha! The most recently, humom let us keep a large box from when we moved from Georgia to Florida to play in. We keep lots of packing papers in it so it’s nice and crinkly when we play. I went to play in it not knowing that Tigerlily was asleep waaaay in the back of the box! She was not very excited to see me! Haha! She slapped me good!

Charlie: Haha! Thanks for letting me interview you! Do you have any questions for me?

Samuel: Just one, how long have you been interviewing kitties?

Charlie: That’s a good question. I think I started at the end of September.

Samuel: Well you’re very good at it! I had a great time! This was so much fun! I’m so glad that we met. You really are my best furiend!

*Que the emotions*

Charlie: Aw, thank you! You’re my best friend too! And I have a set of questions that I try to use, and that makes it a bit easier.

Thanks for reading! Make sure to check us both out on Instagram:

Me (Charlie) - @charliecat1224 -

Samuel - @samuel_j_bonkers -


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