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Relationship Advice

Meow! It's Charlie. Considering I have had two girlfriends, one of which later turned out to be a boyfriend, I feel as though I am completely qualified to write this post.

So, you guys came here to learn how to get your crush to like you. Well, you don't. Feelings aren't optional. But, if you follow these tips, you will still probably not have a partner. Sorry.

Tell them how you feel! This can be as simple as a note saying (your name) <3 (crush's name). That's what I did for my first girlfriend/boyfriend. Although that was because he doesn't understand English that well...

If you are in church you can go up to them with your Bible, and say, "Hey, I was reading numbers and I didn't see yours?" Haha, I like that one. Although I don't think a lot of people use pickup lines during church...

My personal favorite one is a survey. Of course you can adapt it to your situation. For example, if you were in school you could say, "Hi, I'm taking a survey of ninth graders. You're in ninth grade right? Okay cool." (Make sure they actually fit into the category that you are surveying!) Then ask them two or three questions like "how do you like ninth grade" or "is it a lot harder than eighth?" Then as the final question, ask them "can I get your number" or "what are you doing Saturday?"

So there you go - relationship advice from a cat! As for me, if I like someone, I can just ask them to let me interview them! Then during the interview I can ask them if they have a crush on any other kitties. Hehe, its fool proof! Except for the fact that I asked Gracie that back in November...

Thanks for reading! Chow!

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