Interview with McKenzie
Meow! It's Charlie. Day two of interviews! I am going to do interviews until Saturday! If you want me to interview you, leave a comment below!
Charlie: Meow! Hello! Today I'm talking with McKenzie! So McKenzie, what is it like talking to a cat?
McKenzie: It's a little bit odd, to say the least. I've never talked to a cat before
Charlie: I would imagine most people haven't. Do you have any pets?
McKenzie: Not anymore, no. But I love animals (I would say especially dogs...but I realize that's probably not the best thing to say to a feline).
Charlie: Everyone has their own opinion, but of course mine is, well, not dogs. If you could have any animal in the world, what would it be?
McKenzie: Oh, that's hard. I used to ride horses when I was younger (cough cough ten years ago cough cough) so I think that that would be really really fun... but then again, I'd be just fine with a cat or dog.
McKenzie: Or, you know, something exotic like a hermit crab ... All the same
Charlie: I personally don't like horses either, as they are much bigger than me and could very easily step on me, but I would imagine riding one would be very fun. Do you have any funny stories from when you rode?
McKenzie: Hm... I don't have any particularly funny stories, I don't think, but I did have a pony bite my hand once. I never thought ponies bit, so that was a sort of revelation. Other than that, some of the more experienced riders would goof off and try to entertain the younger kids, so they would be hanging sideways or sitting backwards in their saddles, which was a pretty funny sight for all of us.
Charlie: Just don't fall off! Who are your favorite cat celebrities?
McKenzie: That depends. Do you count as a celebrity? I'm told your following is getting pretty extensive.
Charlie: I don't think I do yet, but thank you. :)
McKenzie: I like your "yet"; it's optimistic. Well then I'll say future-Charlie, yes?
Charlie: Haha, ok. :D I'm all out of questions - do you have any questions for me?
McKenzie: Mm...sure, one. How does it feel to be a cat?
Charlie: Well, I don't know how it feels to be anything other than a cat, so I would say pretty average. I will say I wish I was bigger so I didn't have to look up so often.
McKenzie: Gotcha. Okie dokie, we'll have a great one, Charlie!
McKenzie: *well
Charlie: You too McKenzie! Chow!