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The Day I Started Blogging

The day I started blogging. Wow. That was a long time ago. Opps, forgot my intro, which, by the way, has always been the same (my outro too).

Meow! It's Charlie. But you already knew that.

The day I started blogging I was hoping this would make me famous. Although I'm not famous, I am very happy. I love blogging. These past (I think 9?) months have been incredible. I wonder if one day this blog WILL make me famous. Make sure you share the link with your friends and family - that way even MORE people will know about this blog.

I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to post for you guys and that I wouldn't think of topics, but when I'm here, I just know exactly what to type. Although it takes a while because I have no thumbs. But that's ok.

I just want to thank you for reading about my weird and crazy adventures that I call everyday life. So thank you. Chow!

I'm glad that's over. Way to emotional for me...

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