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Major News

Meow! Major news: Buddy just left!! You'll see...

Lily: My heart just exploded.

Sparkles: That’s never good. Why?

Lily: Buddy is leaving. :’(

Sparkles: Aww, that’s too bad. I was really starting to like him. He was keeping you from getting into things.

Lily: I still got into plenty of things.

Sparkles: That’s true. Why is he leaving?

Lily: His family is going on VACATION. What kind of people do that??

Sparkles: I went on vacation… How long is going to be gone?

Lily: I know and I was mad at you for months. Speaking of months, he is going to be gone for a whole one!

Sparkles: Well, tell him to send pictures.

Lily: That is a great idea!!

So Buddy is leaving. I always knew I was going to type that sentence, I just didn't think that when I wrote it I would know that he was coming back. (For those of you who can't take a hint, I thought Buddy was going to break up with Lily LOOOOOOOONG before now.)

Thanks for reading! When Buddy gets back, do you want me to feature him more? Chow!

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