Meow! It's Charlie. Happy 4th of July! I've been learning things - like for example, today is the 4th of July! And why July 4th is important. Moving on, Jett too learned things today. Like what fireworks are.
Jett: I’m watching you.
Sparkles: I know.
Jett: I’m at the window.
Sparkles: I know.
Jett: What are you doing?
Sparkles: Lighting a firework.
Jett: What’s a “FIREWORK”??
Sparkles: You’ll see. Watch the sky.
Jett: Ok.
Sparkles: Did you like that?
Jett: Yes. Especially the part where my EARDRUMS EXPLODED AND KILLED MY BRAIN!!!!
Sparkles: Sorry... By the way you might want to cover your ears...
Jett: Why?
Jett: HOLY NOISE!!!!!
Sparkles: This is why you should listen to me.
So yeah. Fireworks: Like nothing you've heard be-fur.
What up Zootopia reference!
Ok I'm done now.
Haha ok NOW I'm done.
Or so you thought. =^.^=
Alright, thanks for reading! Chow!