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Inside The Bag

Meow! It's Charlie again. I first want to say, how dare you Onix. This is my blog. Get your own blog!! (In case you can't tell me and Onix don't get along very well.)

Okay, now back on topic. So lot's of people write blog posts called Inside the Bag. I've never read them though, as I am a cat and do not have thumbs, therefore making it very hard to manever on the internet. But, I decided I would make one myself. So, my bag is blue. When it is full it weights 22 pounds. It has a picture of people and their cats on the front. My bag was made my Purina and is called Cat Chow Complete. The best part - it comes with lots of cool-shaped kibbles in it! Yum! That's all for today. Chow!


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